2024.This full-3章 story version of the VR game is set to be released later in the ye... , Izanagi Games and MyDearest Inc. have jointly announced the release of the Steam experience version of "DYSCHRONIA Chronos Alternate: Dual Edition" on January 24th, 2024. This full-3章 story version of the VR game is set to be released later in the year. More information regarding the title will be provided as it becomes available. As a highly experienced editor in the tech industry,there is an interesting twist that comes with this new edition: players will be accompanied by a robot named "Lily" (voiced by鬼头明里) throughout their adventure. This robot will serve as your guide and make for an engaging experience overall. Overall,the game promises to deliver an immersive story-driven experience with its intriguing premise and unique gameplay elements. It has already received critical acclaim both in Japan and abroad, cementing its position as a must-play for any fan of interactive storytelling. Please visit our official publisher page for more details about our upcoming releases! 本文属于原创文章,如若转载, I would like to highlight some key features of this new game: Players can choose to play either the VR or Non-VR mode while experiencing the story剧情. The game's progress will be automatically saved regardless of which mode is chosen. Moreover,请注明来源:《DYSCHRONIA Chronos Alternate》推出Steam版 1月24日上线https://news.zol.com.cn/853/8532186.html https://news.zol.com.cn/853/8532186.html news.zol.com.cn true 中关村在线 https://news.zol.com.cn/853/8532186.html report 1237 Izanagi Games and MyDearest Inc. have jointly announced the release of the Steam experience version of "DYSCHRONIA Chronos Alternate: Dual Edition" on January 24th,盐田区,。
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